Works / 2023

Oil on Panel
18 x 24 inches

Spoils II
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 inches

This series of paintings is inspired by Kore's transformation into Persephone, a foundational story in Greek mythology.

Abducted by Hades while picking wildflowers, Kore suddenly finds herself thrust into the underworld below. Panicked, her mother Demetra searches the world over to find her missing daughter.

Demetra ("de-" meaning earth, "-metra" mother) is the goddess of agriculture, and presides over the cultivation of the land. In her grief, she abdicates her duties, and the world descends into an unending winter. 

Persephone finds herself in new territory. Dark, bleak, unchosen. To sustain herself, or perhaps out of curiosity, she consumes seven pomegranate seeds. 

Soon, humanity stops making offerings to the gods– every field is barren and live-giving crops are destroyed. In response, Zeus finally intervenes. He orders Hades to release Kore to her mother, so long as she has not eaten any food of the underworld. Howver like Eve of Genesis, she has partaken in forbidden fruit.

Zeus negotiates that Kore, now known as Persephone (meaning death-bringer), will spend one-third of her life with Hades in the Underworld and two-thirds above with her mother. Thus, Persephone’s undulations between worlds initiates the seasons.

Food of the Dead

Spoils III
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 inches

Spoils III
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 inches

Surviving Fate

Elevated as symbols of feminine strength and resilience, pomegranate seeds represent Persephone’s choice to participate in her newfound environment. Lucious, they suggest erotic desire, and signify perhaps a willingness to submit to the forces of transformation.

In this reading, the myth unfolds as a powerful exploration of feminist themes — a testament to autonomy, the intricate bonds between mother and daughter, and the eternal ebb and flow between life and death. The pomegranate seeds, transformed into symbols of empowerment, serve as a metaphorical bridge between the living and the dead, celebrating the agency, resilience, and self-determination required in facing one’s fate.

Earlier Works